Sourcing Organic Cotton Fabric in Vietnam

Short Answer: Starting this year our merchandising team decided to take on organic cotton. We have had many inquiries in the past but since the quantities are usually low and the headache is high we stayed away from organic cotton. Now we are ready for the challenge because we are working with If you want to produce apparel using organic cotton then work with Dave at He can produce the organic fabric and Thai Son can do the sewing.
What exactly is Organic Cotton Fabric?

Organic cotton is grown using No synthetic pesticides or fertilisers, and No Genetically Modified cotton seeds (GMO). Organic fertilisers (such as compost) and plant-based pest management products (such as neem or garlic extract) are used. However, organic agriculture is not merely about replacing synthetic inputs with natural ones. The major principle is to restore a natural balance within the farm, with healthy soils, rich in organic matter. In such an environment, the pests are not systematically destroyed by poisons but are kept under control by their predators, just as they are in nature. Source

How do we know that the farmers actually use Organic Farming Techniques?

Thai Son S.P sewing factory is a family owned business in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. We are a Oeko Tex Textile Company in Vietnam. The company was founded in 1989 as a CMT factory and started exporting in 1991. We have one production facility with 270 employees; 2 samples lines and 15 sewing lines.

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